Monday 8 November 2010

First Edit

Here is our first edit. It needs a lot of work but just shows what we are developing upon. It shows we have put together a few clips of footage and started thinking about music at the beginning of the clip. We have chosen another piece of music to have at the end of the clip which works well as there is variation, whether or not we will keep it is another story. Right now, continuity is not great as we have literally put which clips we want together is a rough guide of the order we would eventually put them in surrounded by other clips we yet have to film. In some clips we need to sort out the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, by either adding in certain noises, for example the part where the gate shuts we might add an artificial slam, or by taking away the original background noise such as the wind or myself and Carly discussing filming ideas whilst actually filming (not very professional, whoops). We have however sorted some of the sound out as we dubbed a part of the scene where Summer is doing her hair and Charlotte is looking in her window from her garden; we split the clip after the hairspray noise and muted the sound after as it was the sound of Summer sitting on the bed when she is meant to walk past, but we wanted to keep the sound of the hairspray, spraying, so we did it in this way. We still need to add transitions between clips as at the moment it is looking rather jumpy but in time we will make this flow.

1 comment:

  1. hello immigrn.
    it is very very very good you can spell for o ne.
    the only point really is that you put personal information on, don;'t forgdet that random strangers can look at your blog, including old men. lots of videos showing research and they show what you took from them to create your synopsis,
    very good generally.
    well done.
