Sunday 28 November 2010

Analysis of last uploaded clip and review of audience feedback

This is it so far; as you can see it is looking more like a trailer now thankfully, however still needs work. Music in particularly has not been either touched up enough by either making it louder or softer in places and the montage needs some music. We were thinking the conventional style of music which included strings getting higher suggesting a growing in intense atmosphere; we still need to make this music and it can be problematic as the programme we use, Garageband, is not entirely user friendly. The montage is the main part that has been added since our last upload. At the moment, it is a rough sketch of the particular bits of footage we will use hoever we still need to vary the speeds of the clips to make it look more like a conventional montage and to match with the music when it is eventually done. This means that the clips will most likely start off being fairly slowly changing and by the end the clips will be less than half a second between them. We have added a transition of 'fade-to-white' in between them which is looking effective but, personally sometimes doesn't look quite right so, we will see about that. We have the titles fairly spread out from each other which isn't typically conventional but the scenes that are inbetween need to be kept as a group or they will not make sense. This lesson we had some audience feedback which helped us as she could tell us what needed to be done. This recording will be uploaded at a later date. These are the types of queries she brought up:-
The handshake between Charlotte and Summer at the beginning is apparently shown as the veiwer not knowing who the characters were and so she said we needed to make this clear. However, we feel that a trailer is there to give you a glimpse of what the film is, would it give too much away if we played the film out scene for scene in the trailer? Of course it would. This means that we have purposely missed out particular scenes that would be in the film as conventionally this is what would be done for an actual film trailer.The next scene is of the two girls sitting at a table together so we would assume that the audience would put two and two together and realise it is the same people. Plus the fact you can see the red hair in the shot of the shaking of the hand helps just in case.
The scene where Summer and Sam kiss and Charlotte is looking in on them, we may edit this as our volunteer, and Calry and I agree, that it is not totally clear if she is spying on them as a title 'An obsession' separates the two clips. Like i said earlier, We need this sequence kept together so that it makes sense to the audience even though we are breaking the rules slightly by having the titles so far apart, time-wise.
Coming back to the music side of things, we need to add a voiceover or two in as I feel it needs more speech in the trailer. Probably one from Charlotte just as she enters the back gate. We did attempt this, and it failed as it really just didn't fit, but we may have another go because, although we want to keep some mystery, we're not telling them much at all at this point so we still need to keep our audience interested.
We are particularly happy with the choice of music at the end of the clip and so we are definately keeping this. It is perfect for our trailer as it is almost happy music, but has a certain eerieness to it and the lyrics are 'Can you lie next to her, and give her your heart?' suggesting a 'stalky-ish' theme and it works in opposition with the scene of Charlotte running towards the camera in a manic fashion screaming 'DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!' when the music is very calm in comparison.
Overall, as it is coming together, particularly the montage, we are happy with our progress.

1 comment:

  1. This is coming together now Imi. You need to tighten up all your editing and sound, and pay attention to how your style models have used titles and transitions. Aim to have this totally completed by the end of Monday's lesson so that you can then work on tweaking your sub tasks and complete your evaluation.
