Sunday 28 November 2010

Analysis of symbolic codes within my media text

Within our trailer, there are a range of different symbolic codes throughout. Typically they can be very obvious such as a character holding bloody knife. At this point the audience can tell that this character is someone who has most probably killed someone...or seriously injured them. However these symbolic codes can be done subtly for example if pathetic fallacy was used...A person walking down the road whilst rain is pouring down - the rain expresses their mood and the audience can tell that they are feeling low. However this is not always done purposely to show an emotion or action. It simply done, because it is!

One particular part of our film that, at first was unintentional, is the use of red doors in our trailer. The audience see Charlotte looking at Summer and Sam behind a red door as she looks jealous and angry, she is then seen again going into Summer's back garden through a red door again. This works well as in the beginning,it starts out as red doors as the atmosphere is still fairly calm and then progresses to red ending up on Charlotte's hand - blood.

Another unintentional symbolic code is when there is the low angle shot of Charlotte looking into Summer's bedroom; the wind is blowing in her hair and across her face. This could suggest the anger or need she is feeling. These kind of things cannot be done purposely as we do not have the equipment such as a wind machine to create these effects but when we can catch the chance we most certainly will!

In this scene, Charlotte is wearing dark and dull colours such as grey and black which suggest her mood or feelings are of the similar sort. Throughout the film, she wears similar colours. She tends to wear darker colours in comparison to Summer.

Summer is always wearing bright and stylish clothes which reflect her personality and popularity status at school; the fact she is happy in most of the scenes shows the audience the kind of person she is. However in the end scene as she is crying in a corner, the audience will feel empathetic towards her as it is emotional seeing her like this. The music works well to create this empathy. The audience see a side of her they hadn't before; she is vulnerable and alone, crying and it is a big difference to how happy she is when she is in the scene with Sam for example.

The scenes in the montage show blood, clearly fake blood for filming purposes, and even then we tried to make it slightly more glamorous than the typical 'full-on' gore so that it still fits the style of the characters.

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