Sunday 28 November 2010

Analysis of use of camera shots within our media text

Camera shots can make a big difference in a trailer as it shows a variety of angles which can subsequently change the audiences perspective on what is trying to be shown.

Within our trailer we have a range of different shots. From the beginning :-

-Charlotte looking into the classroom, based on the 180 degree rule, and opening the door. This shows her nervousness and lack of eagerness towards going in and meeting her new classmates.

-The establishing shot of Charlotte walking into the room with Summer and her friends. This shot shows that Summer has friends and is originally popular before Charlotte is even introduced.

-The low angle shot of Charlotte and Summer shaking hands shows that they are being formally introduced, possibly an obligation on Summer's side.

-There is a two shot of Summer and Charlotte working at the table and the audience see that they are clearly close enough as friends to do some work on their own. This shot is useful as the audience see their growing relationship which means something different to both characters.

-The shot of Summer and Sam is a two-mid shot and it works effectively as Summer goes off to the right and disappears whereas Sam walks off into the background which generally shows a difference in perspective.

-We then have a title which fades in from black

-Charlotte then stands in the right corner of a mid-shot as she looks on on the couple, again simply showing a different perspective.

-Another mid-shot of Charlotte walking into the back gate.

-A low angle close up of Charlotte looking into Summer's bedroom. This works as it shows she feels like she has a power and the perspective is that the audience is looking up at her.

-A shot we are very proud of is the next one; Summer walks past her bedroom window - mid shot- as in the background there is an extreme long high angle shot of Charlotte standing in her garden. This shows how subtle she is in stalking Summer and how she does it quietly and quite eerily

-There is then a reverse shot of Charlotte looking vacantly away as the wind blows in her hair

-The title of 'that turns fatal' shoots in from both sides, which is conventional of titles in a trailer

-A two mid-shot of Summer and Sam where the audience see the growing intensity of Charlotte's character and how she is starting to worry other characters such as Sam

-There is then the montage which includes a range of different shots such as an extreme close up of Summer's eyes as she opens them, a close up of Summer looking for something, possibly Charlotte, and Charlotte is slowly shown up behind her through the darkness and a mid shot Charlotte walking past a post at her school and wiping her bloody hand against it, suggesting she has been involved with blood. The range of shots are shown to show a variety of clips showing different perspectives and angles.

-The long shot of Charlotte running towards the camera is effective as it would shock the audience and it is stereotypical of the genre.

-The close up of Summer crying in the corner is effective as the lighting works in time with the camera shot and the music. Also we filmed this handheld as it suggests Summer's vulnerable and scared emotions.

-The last shot is a reverse shot from the left however it is reflected in the mirror. This is effective as again the lighting and music works well in sync with the camera angle.

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