Monday 11 October 2010


This shows pictures of our storyboard in a drawn out fashion to show a shot by shot description of what will happen in the trailer. The description is included to but hard to make out so I will describe below.

The trailer begins...
-Fades in from black. An establishing shot of the classroom with a voice over of Charlotte introducing herself to the receptionist. The classroom door opens and Summer is there with a group of friends laughing and joking.
-The teacher is seen asking Summer to look after Charlotte as she is new.
-Summer is then seen introducing herself to Charlotte and tells her friends they have to be nice to her as she is new and will have a hard time settling in.
-(Two shot) Summer speaks to Charlotte and asks her about her past such as why she moved but Charlotte doesn't reveal very much.
-A mid-shot is then shown of Charlotte looking in the mirror and putting a wig on which is identical to Summers hair. She has a look of a psychotic character with a hint of craziness and a sinister side. While this is happening there is a voiceover of Summer's boyfriend, Chris, saying "The girl is kinda weird", "She's not that bad, give her a chance".
-The growing obsession of Summer is becoming evident in Charlottes behaviour as she follows her everywhere. This will include a reverse shot of Charlotte stood outside Summer's house and this is when the music will intensify further
-A similar shot is shown of Summer and her mother talking explaining that Charlotte is starting to act weird and obsessive but her mother thinks she is being silly and ignores her.
-A scene of Charlotte getting jealous when Summer is with anyone, in particular her boyfriend. Summer begins to ignore her but this just aggrivates Charlotte further.
-Charlotte drugs Summer's boyfriend in an attempt to distract him from her and takes pictures of the two of them in the same bed as she wants to be exactly the same as Summer.
-The cuts then begin to quicken as the audience are still unaware of the conclusion. A shot of Charlotte crying hysterically with slashed wrists is shown.
-Another cut of Summer crying in a dark room..."Why are you doing this?!", "Because, I love you." - This doesn't give too much away to the audience but still makes them realise the situation by thinking what is she going to do...Kill her? By this time the music is becoming more and more rapid, possibly strings in a high pitch growing in intensity
-Another cut of Summer screaming is shown as she is being dragged away but by a darkened background
-The final shot is of Summer's boyfriend laying down on a bed, opening his eyes. Then suddenly Charlotte's crazed face is shown and looks as if she is going to kill him by either stabbing or strangling him. The music stops suddenly and the title of the film fades in. This will work effectivly as the audience do not see if he is actually hurt or killed and how it pans out. Fades out to black.

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