Wednesday 6 October 2010

Choosing our character

These photo's are general screen shots of a character that could be considered as psychotic. The woman could be an abused or confused ,for some reason, and evidently has a vacant look in her eyes; this is an effective character as it leaves a lot of room to move around in the psychotic style, she could quietly do things to make her like this or could change at certain points. The other character looks clearly disturbed and has a slight twitch in his eye. We asked Mr Swain to look a lot like Hannibal Lector fro Silence of the Lambs as there is a famous shot of him close up to the camera with a similar facial expression. He fits this conventional middle aged disturbed man, so we could easily use him for our film if we decide to go down that route.

1 comment:

  1. Scary photos! Obviously these are very nice people and it will be down to you as a director to enable them to fit your roles in your trailer. Carefully consider your mise-en-scene choices and the length of your shots to create your desired feel.
