Monday 20 September 2010

How times have changed...

After some researching on the internet i found a list of 'Top 15 Psychological Thriller movies' including such classics as Fatal Attraction, Taxi Driver, Play Misty for Me, Cape Fear, American Psycho and the fabulous Silence of the Lambs.

All of these trailers are fairly old and therefore, styles have changed through the years. For example, the trailer for Play Misty for Me is quite frankly terrible in it's lack of subtelty. It is clear from watching the likes of these in comparison to more modern trailers that effects have a massive 'effect' on the style of the trailer. Simple fades in and out can make it look so much more creepy and more professional. I think this would be a good idea to base our trailer on. A modern trailer as opposed to an older one as newer one have more of an impact on the audience as a whole.