Monday 6 December 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Looking at our audience feedback, it shows that our trailer is a success. There are many complients but also lots of helpful constructive criticism. We obviously need work which is why we wanted some of our audience feedback at this stage in our process. It will help us to show us what we need to do in order to make it even more successful. The little things that we may or may not have noticed initially, the audience could tell fairly quickly which goes to show that because we know the trailer inside out from working on it so much so an outsiders point of veiw has really helped at this stage. We already are aware of the really obvious things such as music in the montage that we need to sort out so by telling the 'feedbackers'what we already knew we were going to do reassured them that it will be a good trailer...which is definately what we want to hear. We want to do our best in order to please the audience as this is who we want to sell it to and subsequently making it a success.

Our first volunteer who gave us feeback gave us a few ideas of what she enjoyed about out trailer...
-Music at the beginning
-The voice over works particularly well as it tells the story in a different way.
-All the scene in the darkness from the montage and at the end of the trailer make it creepy and particularly suspenceful as it's such a contrast from the calm beginning.

This is what they thought we needed to work on...
-The montage isn't as fast paced as a conventional trailer so we need to have shorter clips within the montage
-Having a shot to show Charlotte looking at Summer and her boyfriend Sam which would clearly show her jealousy of Summer's happy relationship with him and show her own personal attraction to him
-Having a shorter clip of Summer crying at the end so not too much is given away
-Some clips are shorter and some a bit too long which can be unconventional of a trailer.

Our second willing volunteer said these lovely things about our trailer...
-The montage is really effective and when the music is added it will be even more effective
-The overall storyline is enticing and it is successful in persuading her to go see the film
-Therefore she feels a lot of people would enjoy it and want to watch this based on the information given in the trailer.

This is what she thought we could do to make it better and improve...
-By adding more transitions such as 'Who directed/produced it', 'Who stars in it' and 'When will it be avaliable'; she said this will make it overall more conventional
-By adding music, the montage will generally be more effective in its dramatic and intense atmosphere as it really doesn't work without.

We are currently working on improving it thanks to the help we have recieved and now know exactly what needs changing.

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