Wednesday 1 December 2010

How did you use new media technologies in your research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

We used the camcorder as our main way of recording the actual footage. By doing this we needed to have a sturdy base. We used a tripod in order to do this. We had already learnt how to use one during our AS coursework and so it became quicker and easier when it came to using it at A2. It is what most of our shots are done on however, some shots worked better filmed by handheld. For example when the two girls are at the table talking, we used the tripod. Whereas when Charlotte appears from behind the darkness to Summer, we used handheld as the unstable motion refected the atmosphere.

E-mail was used during our trailer production in order to get useful information from person to person. For example, we used e-mail in order to tell the cast members when and where they were needed. This helped greatly as otherwise we would be alot less organised.

Our panasonice camcorder was used in order to get the footage we needed. We used this throughout our process to get our footage. This was good as it was portable, reasonable quality and picked up sound. Even though most of the sound we actually picked up on the camera is not being used, it gave us a real idea of where it would go in the trailer. We used it in conjuction with the tripod as I have previously described.

Imovie was the programme we used on the Macs in order to do the editing within our film. This included everything from peicing all the shots together, to making transitions between them, and adding music to the film and the titles. This evidently took longer than anything else put together. The actual editing involved took a massive amount of time so Imovie made this as quick as possible for us.

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