Wednesday 23 June 2010

My Proposal

So, we have finally decided to produce a promotional package for a new film. We will make a trailer for possibly a horror/thriller film, a poster advertisement for the film and a magazine front cover to promote the new and upcoming film.

We produced a horror film beginning in AS and therefore we have a wide knowledge of producing horror films and therefore a wise choice is to produce a similar theme for next year as we enjoyed working within this genre last year.

We decided to produce a poster and a magazine front cover from inspiration by GOREZONE's Andy Mcquade. He came in to talk to us primarily about the marketing, production and editing. This was insightful as it gave us a real idea about the real world of media and we are putting our skills to the test by trying to out-do our previous horror moving image. We did some research into the magazine GOREZONE by looking at the articles and up-coming films including reviews. Our process of making this trailer, the poster and the magazine cover will include a lot of research and in depth analysis of similar trailers and other media styles.

By doing a similar thing in AS, we have learnt how to avoid certain mistakes and such as weather issues and organisation a key issue. We will make this process as smooth as possible as we are more knowledgeable in this area now.

We will pick out locations, props and costumes at an early stage and be confident from when we choose it as we have learnt to do this from AS

Where to start?

Right, after last year, I have decided that Carly and myself work well together and therefore have decided to work together again for our A2 coursework.

We have looked through the syllabus and we have compared the different options. We have decided against the ideas of generating the first level of a computer game and producing the first 2 pages of a new local newspaper. We find other ideas such as a short film or teaser trailer more appealing as it involves actual film making rather than the majority being 'print' rather than 'moving images'.
We are more swayed towards the trailer idea as we actually wanted to do this in the first place whilst producing our moving image for AS so had a few good ideas we have kept until now.
We are very excited to be working together again and can't wait to get the camera rolling.